Hi, I’m Kristen Schanbacher!

Hello, I am Kristen Schanbacher and this is my fourth year at Central Lutheran School as a Teacher’s Aide. I am primarily in the second through sixth grade classrooms helping the students and teachers. Prior to coming to Central, I was a stay at home mom. I loved being at home with my kids and now I am blessed to be at school with them everyday. I love Central and the family atmosphere we have between the staff, students and families. I also enjoy seeing all the kids grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus. 

I am married to Brian and we own and operate a robotic dairy farm outside of Newhall. We milk around 100 cows on our farm. We have two children who both attend Central: Brilynn and Tryce. We stay busy with the farm and the kids’ activities. 

My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.